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About Me

Software 💻 Craftsman 👨 | Works for Sifars 🏢 | Mostly open source technologies 🫂

My Story

I started by hacking android games using rooted android, during my Electrical diploma. Started customizing android ROM and came across some web apps that allowed creating boot animation. Started learning about animation but somehow started learning about web development to earn money and fame.
Started using scripts available online, without a complete idea of the basic concepts of programming. Failed to build anything meaningful, started to search for programming languages but ended up with the Laravel framework. Learned about web development, database design, setting up servers, and a little bit about AWS cloud while trying to build an application.
Joined Computer Science for B.Tech. at nearby college but lost hope in a degree once attended a few lectures. Resumed project with some addition and changes like the addition of React, migrating from MySQL to PostgreSQL, etc. The only positive points about college are the introduction to C++ and Stoicism, both helped in hard times that came later. Due to a lack of resources and time during this period I started appreciating i3wm, SQLite, and test-driven development.
After rejection from employers because of failure in B.Tech., from parents to relocation and some other issues I got my first job at Sifars. Being the only developer and owner of a project that I worked on for about five years, I developed certain characteristics like keenness to learn and flexibility to settle into different roles. But as I strived for perfection with the urge to fix everything and anger against mistakes resulted in sleep deprivation, so I ended up with Epilepsy and a few other things or we can say I kind of faced burnout.
While most of the time I am proud to be right about making decisions for myself and predictions to friends but there are a few times when I am proud about accepting that I was wrong. While I loved PostgreSQL, ECMAScript, and React from the very first day that I learned about but few things that Munish presented to me include Docker(containers) and TypeScript(something I despised because of its Microsoft roots). During my (on paper) professional journey I have worked in different roles developing frontend and backend applications, administering servers and designing databases, and many things in between.
But one thing for sure is that so far it has been a great journey.

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